Wilson Music Studio

Amazing Race Task 13

Thursday, January 12, 2023 by Alaina Wilson | Amazing Race Tasks


This week's task is a PRACTICE task. I call this "penny practice." 

To do penny practice, you need five pennies (or five other small objects like markers or Lego blocks). You choose one small section of the music where you’re having trouble: one or two measures is plenty! (Maybe there’s a tricky fingering or bowing pattern, or a rhythm that isn’t quite solid yet.) Put all five pennies on the left side of your music stand. Every time you play the tricky measure correctly, you get to move a penny to the right side of the music stand. Every time you make a mistake, ALL of the pennies go back to the starting point. 

The goal is to play the tricky section five times in a row perfectly, and get all the pennies over to the right side of the music stand!

If you do penny practice three days in a row, over the same tricky passage, you’ll find that the tricky measure isn’t nearly as difficult any more!

To complete this task, simply send me an email that says "done" when your student has completed penny practice 3 days in a row. I will ask them to show me the section they practiced.

Good luck and may the winds be in your favor!