Wilson Music Studio

Amazing Race Task 1

Saturday, September 10, 2022 by Alaina Wilson | Amazing Race Tasks


This week's task is considered a Practice task. This may require a bit of parent help, but it will set the tone for our year. Students need to think of three intentional goals for the piano year. One is a practice goal, one is a performance goal, and one is a musicianship goal. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Practice Goal should be something the student does at home during their practice time.
    • using a metronome
    • penny practice
    • isolating difficult sections rather than running through a piece
    • focusing on posture
    • building practice stamina
    • time management
    • organization of materials
  • Performance Goal should be something the student wants to accomplish this year.
    • learn a favorite song
    • finish a book
    • memorize a recital piece
    • master a certain number of pieces
  • Musicianship Goal should be a musical skill the student wants to improve.
    • focus on dynamics
    • focus on articulation (staccato, legato, accents, etc.)
    • keeping a steady beat while playing
    • playing a piece as a musical whole rather than individual notes (we call this robotic playing)

Ideally, this will be completed and returned by their next lesson, but ALL tasks will be given a 2 week grace period to complete. If your student has misplaced their goal sheet, you can access a copy 


. Time spent on all tasks will count toward their practice minutes for the week. Good luck, and may the winds be in your favor!