Wilson Music Studio

Amazing Race Task 16

Thursday, February 2, 2023 by Alaina Wilson | Amazing Race Tasks


This week's task is a performance task. You can ask your music teacher (Mrs. Bebout or Ms. Boyer) to play a short piece for them and/or for your music class. THEY GET TO CHOOSE WHAT WORKS BEST! Make sure you say please and thank you. I will be asking them next week who played. Good luck and may the winds be in your favor.

Amazing Race Task 15

Thursday, January 26, 2023 by Alaina Wilson | Amazing Race Tasks


This week's task is a listening task. Last week, you learned about Emahoy Tsegue-Maryam Guebrou. I hope you found her fascinating. This week, you will listen to a piece by her and fill out your listening log. You can find the piece right here.

Good luck, and may the winds be in your favor.

Amazing Race Task 14

Thursday, January 19, 2023 by Alaina Wilson | Amazing Race Tasks


Welcome to week 14 of the Wilson Music Studio Amazing Race!

This week will be another Learning Task. You can download and print your form here. This task will only require the first page. Save the second page for next week!

You will be learning about Emahoy Tsegui-Maryam Guebrou. You can find a biography here. I think you'll find a lot of interesting things about this composer!

(Beginning students - parents can modify the form to only include name, date and place of birth, 1 important piece and something interesting.)

Good luck, and may the winds be in your favor.